Download: Garage-Radio / Smiley-Radio

On this page you can download the software of my Garage Radio (Smiley Radio) project. It works best with the electronic components of the blog article series „Garage Radio“.
What was implemented, which electronics are included and how everything is connected, have a look at my blog series:
Part 1: Garage-Internet-Radio with Raspberry Pi
Part 2: Elektronics and Housing
Part 3: Software, GPIO and Webradio

At the moment the blog posts are only available in German – sorry for that!.
But you can select your language in the Google translator toolbox on the right-side-menu (on the bottom).
The player is not finished yet, so it may includes some bugs too. You’ll find the current version on github:
Programming language: | Lazarus 2.0.0 |
Computer: | Raspberry Pi 3B+ |
Libraries used: | BASS Gordon Hendersons wiringpi Pascal Wrapper for wiringpi |
The source code includes older versions of the libraries for my testing. It is best to work with the current version of the manufacturer’s website.
If you are using the current version of BASS, you need the correct version of the library “”. You can find it in the “hardfp” folder. Copy the file into the development folder of your Lazarus project. Then it works with the current BASS version.
You can find the download at:
This also applies if there are problems with the current Raspbian version (Kernel 4.19) and the Lazarus Smiley project does not start. Exchange “” – done!
You may use the software without restrictions for free and continue to develop. But note the copyright of libraries I used.
Have fun with it!
Tips for first start
Before you start the player for the first time, take a look at the configuration. You find it in the config folder.
The settings are stored in the file app.conf. It has the format of a Windows INI file.
[Common] ;Choose your language: EN, DE Language=DE ;Activate GPIO's only on a Raspberry Pi: 0= no, 1= yes Use GPIOs=1 [View] Backcolor=0 Textcolor=16777215 ;Choose no=0 or yes=1 Mouse=0 Fullscreen=1 [Timeout] ;Duration in seconds Infrared=5 Motion=15 [MP3] Path=C:\Users\tangi\Music [Development] ;Choose no test window=0, with test window=1 GPIO simulation=1 [LED] ;Switch LED's off=0 or on=1 R=0 G=1 B=0 Animation=1
A web radio player, of course, is only as good as it’s radio stations. Therefore, you can easily add new radio stations. For each radio station only its own configuration file in the folder must be created.
How this works is explained in the third part of the blog series. In an example of the radio station Bayern 3 looks like this:
[Setup] Title=Bayern 3 URL= Info=Bayern 3 ist toll [Icon] Small=bayern3.bmp Big=bayern3.jpg